10mm Steel Equal D

A long standing favourite in our height safety range, the 10mm steel Equal D connector strikes a perfect balance between strength, weight and usability. Read more

Offset-D carabiner.

D-shaped connector bodies are designed to force the loads closer to the spine of the connector (the strongest orientation), therefore maximising strength. These are probably the most basic of all connectors in terms of shape, but this makes them a perfect choice in applications where strength and simplicity are paramount.

The subtle D shaped back design helps maximise strength by placing the load close to the spine of the carabiner making it ideal for applications requiring a rugged, compact and strong connector.

Tech Specs

Product Name Product Code Dimensions Weight MBS (Major Axis) MBS (Minor Axis) MBS (Gate Open) Gate Opening Certification
10mm Steel Equal D Screwgate C412 54 x 105mm 172g 30kN 9kN 12kN 15mm EN362:2004 B
EN12275:2013 B
10mm Steel Equal D Screwgate Captive Bar C412CB 54 x 105mm 172g 30kN 9kN 12kN 15mm EN362:2004 B/T
EN12275:2013 B/T
10mm Steel Equal D Kwiklock C413 54 x 105mm 187g 30kN 9kN 12kN 15mm EN362:2004 B
10mm Steel Equal D Kwiklock Captive Bar C413CB 54 x 105mm 187g 30kN 9kN 12kN 15mm EN362:2004 B/T
10mm Steel Equal D Locksafe C417 54 x 105mm 190g 30kN 9kN 12kN 15mm EN362:2004 B
10mm Steel Equal D Locksafe Captive Bar C417CB 54 x 105mm 190g 30kN 9kN 12kN 15mm EN362:2004 B/T